Feminist Hotdog

Adrienne van der Valk and Loudspeaker Studios

Feminist Hotdog is a podcast about finding joy through feminism and living your best feminist life. We uplift everyday feminism and feminist heroes and celebrate women, trans, and nonbinary people as an act of resistance. Part of the Loudspeaker family of podcasts. Hear new episodes first on Wednesday nights at 10pm ET/8pm MT on the Loudspeaker One live stream at https://www.loudspeaker.org or get our free mobile app. read less
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FH S3E12: Feminism and Policing Abolition
Jun 18 2020
FH S3E12: Feminism and Policing Abolition
Advocates of policing abolition have been pushing to defund the police for years, but the recent explosion of public attention on the Movement for Black Lives has more people than ever talking about what an entirely new system of public safety could look like. In this episode, I summarize what I’ve learned over the last few weeks about community-based alternatives to policing, feminist tensions surrounding the abolitionist stance, and what people mean when they say “defund the police.” NOTE: I am not an expert on policing abolition. This episode offers a high-level overview and recommendations for where you can find much more detailed information from people immersed in this work, such as those listed in the show notes. Things We Talked About on This EpisodeYes, We Literally Mean Abolish the Police by Mariame Kaba [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/12/opinion/sunday/floyd-abolish-defund-police.html]Angela Davis on Abolition [https://www.democracynow.org/2020/6/12/angela_davis_on_abolition_calls_to?fbclid=IwAR1pesIQKKAX7FAqkD8YSH3RJoikBTkVVHbE05hKNlp7pDieWUmrmhb5uw4]Ruth Wilson Gilmore Makes the Case for Abolition [https://theintercept.com/2020/06/10/ruth-wilson-gilmore-makes-the-case-for-abolition/]MPD 150 [https://www.mpd150.com]Critical Resistance [http://criticalresistance.org]No More Money for Police [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/30/opinion/george-floyd-police-funding.html?fbclid=IwAR1y9pUCluy65-W-6a1UjXb3SoWqlJp2p_7VKOpOR19q_uZXlmY-ANnxvkA]The Systems That Protect the Police [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/02/podcasts/the-daily/george-floyd-protests.html]Qualified Immunity Explained [https://theappeal.org/qualified-immunity-explained/]The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander [https://newjimcrow.com]Just Mercy by Brian Stevenson [https://justmercy.eji.org]13th directed by Ava DuVernay [https://www.netflix.com/title/80091741]
FH S3E10: Period Poverty and Menstrual Equity
May 21 2020
FH S3E10: Period Poverty and Menstrual Equity
Let’s talk about periods! Period poverty affects millions of people all over the world, but we rarely talk about it. Because there’s so much shame and stigma surrounding menstruation, people who can’t afford period products—whether in schools, prisons, or in their daily lives—are often left with nowhere to turn for help. But, thanks to activists and advocates like the guests featured in this episode, that’s changing.You’ll meet Leah Rodriguez, a journalist who covers period poverty globally; Breanna and Brooke Bennett, 12-year-old sisters who started a nonprofit to promote menstrual equity in their community; and Dr. LaToya Clark, a physician committed to making sure every young person who has a period knows how to take care of their body. Let’s put an end to period stigma, once and for all!### Stuff We Talked About on This Episode* [Leah Rodriguez Twitter](https://twitter.com/leahrod)* [Global Citizen](https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/)* ["US Government Acknowledges Period Products Are Necessities in COVID-19 Stimulus Bill"](https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/cares-act-covid-19-menstrual-products-fsa-hsa/)* [Pandora’s Box: Lifting the Lid on Menstruation](https://www.pandorasboxthefilm.com)* [Periods Gone Public: Taking a Stand for Menstrual Equity](https://www.periodequity.org/book-1)* [I Support the Girls](https://isupportthegirls.org)* [Women In Training](https://www.womenintraining.org)* [WIT Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/WITKITS/)* [WIT Twitter](https://twitter.com/womenintrainin1)* [WIT Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/wit.womenintraining/)* [Menstrual Hygiene Day](https://menstrualhygieneday.org)